Tuesday, November 6, 2007

What is Resume Optimisation?

You knew about website optimisation but did you know that resumes are now being scrutinised by similar technologies?

Few people realise that their futures are now being determined not at the hands of employers and HR staff but by machines and modern advances in technology.With online posting of applications, recruitment agents and employers are now turning to technology similar to Google to cut down on application processing time through scanning your resume for keywords to see if you are a match for their criteria.

“Text strings” (or keywords) are entered into a computerised tracking system to assess the resumes in the database and used to identify suitable candidates. Just like websites, the more keywords or “hits,” that an OCR scanning program finds, the more likely it is that your resume will actually be read.

So what are the crucial things to keep in mind when developing a scannable resume?

1. Find out the essential keywords for your industry. Job advertisements, selection criteria and position descriptions all provide valuable information on buzz words and key skills needed in your industry. Ensure these are prominently displayed in your resume, both at the front in your header, objective and skills summary and then throughout your resume in the employment and qualifications sections.

2. Ensure your format can be scanned. Use font sizing no less than 10 point and select a clean font such as Arial or Century Schoolbook.

3. Avoid formatting that may throw out scanners such as text boxes, unusual fonts, underline, tables, images and columns

4. If you are having your resume developed by a professional be sure to ask for a scannable resume or ascii version.

Finally remember, just like websites, content is still the most important thing so good resume writing principles still apply. Ensure your resume highlights what you offer potential employers through an achievement-rich resume filled with energy, results and positive career highlights. Good Luck!

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